Enjoy our Characters and Stories

Millions of views from tens of thousands fans.

If you’re interested to reach them out through our media, channels and distributions, please don’t hesitate to talk to us.

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Devina Sidharta

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About us

est. 2013 - 2019 // A full round - 360° approach

At Jotter, we bring Characters into life & infatuate people with their Stories. We develop them into various media and distribute through various channels and platforms.

Including but not limited to: web comic, short animation and merchandise.

Our distribution platforms are: 
Instagram, Mangatoon, Line Webtoon, Line Sticker Store, YouTube, Shopee, Tokopedia.

Our Original Titles

We have more than 60+ Characters from our Digital Stickers development and experimentations, but here are our flagship Titles.


A comical, simple and fun story telling about the daily happenings in these 4 characters’ life.  

Kids friendly and a stress reliever for a long tiring day. 

Putri Lapar

A  Story about finding your true self through your stomach. 

Spin Offs & Side Stories:
Please XXXX My Ghost Chef, Broken Home Lia

Just Be Yourself

A Story about finding your Identity, Confidence and Loving Yourself.

Spin Offs & Side Stories:
JBY Euis Story, JBY Choir Battle, JBY Rara

Far From Done.

Due to our limited resources, we still have a lot of plan we haven’t executed, produced and released.
There are so many possibilities and opportunities for the Characters.
Including but not limited to:
Offline Experience Development, Licensing, Themed Stores, etc.

Do you have some good idea about how we can collaborate or partner with? 
Please don’t hesitate to let us know!